Nantucket Sound (Kear Street).  The saga of how to deal with the developer who illegally placed the project’s HVAC on the outside of the building along Kear Street instead of according to the approved site plan that placed them on the roof came to an end when the Board voted 2-2 to allow the illegal units to remain in place. A split vote does not count.  (Note: This is the first time in the many years I’ve been an observer at the Planning Board that the Board didn’t simply okay an illegal plan change after it had been made.) Prior to the vote, Chairman Fon gave the applicant the option of postponing the vote until a fifth Board member was present; the applicant chose to proceed with the vote.  It now remains to be seen whether the applicant can find room on the roof for the relocated residential HVAC units AND the units needed for the proposed restaurant tenant.

800 East Main Street (AMS):  The applicant made a presentation on the contents of the DEIS for the proposed 250 unit senior development. The DEIS will be the subject of a Town Board public hearing on Tuesday, September 3 at the gym in the community center where the presentation will likely be repeated.   The Planning Board’s main concern was the single access to the site from East Main Street; the applicant said that two alternate access points directly from Route 6 were looked at but rejected because of the slope of the land. The applicant also acknowledged that it may not be possible to develop a satisfactory stormwater plan for a 250 unit development but that an alternative 185 unit plan would work.

The Board’s comments will likely be sent to the Town Board after the September 3 hearing but within an anticipated written comment period.

Route 6 study.  The Board repeated its recommendation that the town needed to undertake a comprehensive study of the corridor.  It did not offer any specifics on who should do the study, but it will send its recommendation to the Town Board.

Jacob Road Solar.  The applicant made a presentation illustrating how with the additional plantings it is proposing, the solar panels will not be visible from abutting properties. The presentation included both photos of the site as well as profiles showing distance and topography.

Resignation. Bob Phelan announced his resignation from the Board effective September 1st.


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