Recycling. The Board opened a hearing on amending the Zoning Code to remove the recycling provision from the Code. (Note:  In 2012, the Town Board added the provision that allowed recycling facilities in the light industrial zone as an “as of right” use.  The parcel currently being proposed for a recycling facility is zoned light industrial). With the exception of the applicant and his attorney, all the speakers were opposed to the recycling application.   Both the applicant and his attorney said they were open to negotiations with the town, with the attorney adding that he “promised” a lawsuit if the town went ahead with the Zoning Code change.

Supervisor Lachterman and Planning Director Tegeder explained that when the recycling provision was added in 2012 it was based on a different type of use and at a different level of operation and that the scope of the currently proposed recycling operation was not anticipated in 2012. Also, the 2012 discussion assumed a use on a different parcel. In response to the “promised” litigation comment, Supervisor Lachterman said that sometimes the town’s choice is to do something that’s in the best interests of the town even if it means litigation.  The town’s outside traffic consultant submitted a report that identified several unresolved traffic issues.

The hearing was adjourned.

Noise Code.  The Board reconvened a hearing on the same version of the local law amending the Noise section of the Peace and Good Order Code that was the subject of the August 8th hearing (see that meeting summary), i.e., there was no new text that would have regulated noise from rock drilling operations.  Responding to the one person who spoke at the hearing (the same person who brought up the issue on August 8th), Supervisor Lachterman explained that he preferred to regulate noise from rock drilling operations in a different town code (Blasting and Explosives). The resident accepted that response, adding that she hoped the change would be made in a timely manner. The Board voted to adopt the new law.

Availability of Board meeting agenda.  During the hearing on the noise amendment, the resident who spoke expressed her concern about the very late email arrival of the Final Agenda that included the reconvened noise hearing; she said she didn’t receive the email until about 5:30pm. (Note: The Tentative Agenda that was emailed on Saturday did not include the hearing.) Responding to her comment, I asked Supervisor Lachterman to make every effort possible to release Final Agendas earlier. (Note: Even as a councilwoman, I did not know what would be on the Final Agenda until I received my email at 4:49pm.)

Future public hearings.  The Board set public hearings on October 1st for amendments to the existing Solar Law and an extension of the current moratorium on Battery Storage Systems. The text of both local laws is available on the Town Clerk’s web page; click the “pending legislation” link.

Police. The Board authorized the supervisor to sign a Memorandum of  Understanding (MOU) with the FBI to allow one of the town’s detectives to work part time for the FBI’s Westchester Safe Streets Task Force. The supervisor was asked to get clarification from the police chief on exactly how much time did “part time” mean.



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