Town Board, October 1, 2024

Another marathon meeting. This one ended at 12:45 am. Recycling.  After closing the public hearing, the Board, in a unanimous vote, adopted the local law that eliminated recycling from the Zoning Code as a permitted use in a light industrial zone.  Based on the vote,...

Planning Board, September 23, 2024

Recycling law. The Board had a two-part discussion dealing with the proposed recycling facility: one dealing with the land use aspects of the site plan and one dealing with the proposed amendments to the Zoning Code that would repeal the provision allowing for...

Town Board, September 17, 2024

Recycling. The Board opened a hearing on amending the Zoning Code to remove the recycling provision from the Code. (Note:  In 2012, the Town Board added the provision that allowed recycling facilities in the light industrial zone as an “as of right” use.  The parcel...

Town Board, August 8, 2024

My first meeting as your new Town Board member. It was certainly an interesting, and long, one, with many items to interest to all residents. ATV Law. Yes, finally approved. To remind everyone, the law BANS ATVs and dirt bikes from ALL public and town property. That...

Town Board, July 16, 2024

Recycling/transfer station  In response to my Courtesy of the Floor question whether the Board was considering either a moratorium on recycling applications while it considered amendments to the existing law – or – proceeding to draft amendments, Supervisor Lachterman...

Planning Board, July 15, 2024

Nantucket Sound, Kear Street Although the applicant explained, in detail, how he has screened the illegally placed HVAC units, there was no unanimity or majority on the Board as to how to proceed, i.e., whether to legalize the current placement or require the...