Envirogreen Associates, 1875 East Main Street, Mohegan Lake. (See Planning Board, November  4, 2024.) The Board opened and closed a public hearing on the amended site plan.  The Board had no issue with the revised plan but did want some clarification on the traffic flow between the two buildings and the single access point to Route 6.  The applicant advised the Board that initially, he plans only to construct the smaller building with Dunkin Donuts as a tenant and that the existing building on the western portion of the site will remain until he has tenants lined up for the larger building.

RIC Battery Storage. (See Planning Board, October 7, 2024 and November 18, 2024.) The Board continued to review the site plan and asked the applicant for more information about the distance from the Taconic Parkway as cars from the Parkway might accidentally enter the site and also because the site would be visible from the Parkway. The facility will use lithium phosphate batteries which the applicant said was the latest industry standard.

When the applicant was advised that a draft amendment the Battery Storage Law (see Town Board, February 4, 2025) would prohibit the proposed use, the applicant’s attorney advised the Board that in the event the amendment was adopted, the applicant could apply to the ZBA for a “use” variance. When a Board member responded that it was very difficult to get a use variance, the attorney cited a recent New York appeals court ruling that solar facilities, because they were considered to be like a “public utility,” were entitled to a lower standard for qualifying for a use variance.

In a related discussion, the Board reviewed the draft Battery Storage Law. Its only concern was that the two existing storage facilities will be held to the requirements in the original law. 

Poggioreale Day Care, 2829 Crompond Road. (See Planning Board November 4, 2024.) The Board continued its review of the site plan, focusing on the parking requirements and traffic flow for drop offs and pick ups and how the flow might impact stacking on Crompond Road.  While the plan calls for the construction of a new building and a breezeway connecting the building to the existing house on the site, the applicant could not say whether the existing house would be used as part of the day care facility. The Board will make a site visit.  The facility is currently located in the Parkside Shopping Center.

Fire safety issues were the focus of two agenda items.

Teatown Campus Renovation. The applicant explained changes in the site plan to satisfy access requirements for fire trucks, the placement of a dry hydrant that will draw water from the on site lake, and why fire sprinklers were not needed in the planned new educational building.  

Lamp subdivision. A two lot subdivision on Crow Hill Road, the issue was the width of the driveway and turn around for fire truck access and questions over whether the ZBA had the authority to waive a NYS Fire Code requirement.

A  video of the meeting, which took place at the ACCC, will be uploaded to the town’s web site.