Fluoridation. At three hours, this was the meeting’s “main event.”  For background: the public hearing was on a local law that would amend the current law that requires fluoridation. The amendment would repeal that provision, and in its place, adopt new language that would give the Town  Board the authority to decide whether to fluoridate the town’s water supply. The decision would be made by resolution and would not require a public hearing. The hearing was closed, leaving open a five day written comment period until 10/22.

There were speakers for and against fluoridation. Most of the anti fluoridation speakers highlighted the problems with fluoridation and the fact that they couldn’t opt out of its use. Supporters urged the Board to look at the facts, consider the weaknesses of the anti fluoridation studies the Board was relying on, and the benefits of fluoridation especially for children. A video of the hearing is available on the town’s web site, https://tinyurl.com/5n9793y5 

After the public spoke, Board members offered their opinions, with four members repeating either their outright opposition to fluoridation or their continuing concerns about its use. I was the only Board member who supported fluoridation, noting that a decision to terminate its use was premature and that the town should wait for more studies and potential rules regulating the use of fluoride from the EPA. 

I also suggested that as supervisor’s unilateral decision to  “pause”  fluoridation violated NYS Public Health Law which required the town to consult with health care professionals before  shutting down the system and also give the state Health Department 90 days prior notice of any shut down, that the Board consider reactivating the fluoridation system while the town complied with the state law. The sentiment from Board members, however, appeared to be that they had no problem violating state law if they believed it would protect the town’s children from fluoridation’s possible harm.

Library.  Library Director Yvonne Cech gave a presentation on the many services currently provided by the library as well as future plans. The presentation can be viewed at https://tinyurl.com/5n9793y5  

Field Home.  The Board tabled a resolution that would have hired an historic preservation consultant to assist the Planning Department prepare a Request for Proposals (RFP) for conceptual ideas for the future adaptive reuse of the historic structure.   I asked for the delay as Board members had not been advised that the department was seeking outside assistance nor had we received a copy of the consultant’s proposal. 

REMINDER: There will be an additional Board work session on October 22, with the televised meeting beginning at 6:30. The main items on the agenda will deal with Parks and Recreation issues.